"Dizang" Ao Lie said with some discomfort, "I naturally have my own reasons for handling things. This is our Dragon Terran Emperor’s Covenant. It is not for others to question us. We obey us, escort us, kill us … and you have given up this world, haven’t you?"

When Dizang heard Ao Lie's words, he smiled and nodded lightly as if he recognized his words. "But Ao Lie, we are facing many things now. You should know that…

The two brothers finally reacted, pushing the joystick f14 to make a huge roar and cut through the long block. The two planes were more fluent in Korean than their mother tongue in front of the Soviet Union 27k, and warned, "Soviet pilots, please pay attention to Soviet pilots, please pay attention to that you have broken into the cordon of our fleet, please leave the horse or we won’t give up the preemptive strike!"

On the public channel, the two brothers are more proficient than Russian, but the dispatcher barely understood what they said. "Please note that your fleet has blocked our aircraft carrier…

However, this wave of big dragons is a situation in which the team has not lost one person, which makes all the audience on the scene nervous. Because of a game, the gg team and the fn team have a wave of big dragons, and the gg team’s big dragons were robbed during the war, everyone still remembers it vividly.

"Dragon blood will enter the disciplinary scope. Who is Dragon? Spider dragon that J wave should be stable. " The big screen appeared clearly on the screen as Dalong was…

"We once smuggled two German e19 fighters from Spain, which are very advanced. I suggested that some departments should copy them on a large scale, but considering the problem of war identification, there are various reasons. Many ministers and technical departments insisted on studying our own fighters," the technical director reported. "So we issued the new fighter project code-named Spitfire."

As early as 1936, when Britain developed a new fighter plane stimulated by the Spanish War, it chose two fighters, Mie and Dapeng, which made their turrets unique-but many military…