If Liu Heita really can’t resist attacking the city, then he will be swallowed by Li Shimin, and there will be no dregs left. Dou Jiande looks out of the city with expectation. Since Li Shimin and Liu Heita have mutual defense, it is natural for him not to want Liu Heita to attack the city, so Liu Heita can contain Li Shimin with enough troops.

Sure enough, Dou Jiande's hope came true. Liu Heita sighed outside the city and finally chose to retreat. Even though Liu Shishan's death made him particularly angry, who can guarantee…

However, this wave of big dragons is a situation in which the team has not lost one person, which makes all the audience on the scene nervous. Because of a game, the gg team and the fn team have a wave of big dragons, and the gg team’s big dragons were robbed during the war, everyone still remembers it vividly.

"Dragon blood will enter the disciplinary scope. Who is Dragon? Spider dragon that J wave should be stable. " The big screen appeared clearly on the screen as Dalong was…

"We once smuggled two German e19 fighters from Spain, which are very advanced. I suggested that some departments should copy them on a large scale, but considering the problem of war identification, there are various reasons. Many ministers and technical departments insisted on studying our own fighters," the technical director reported. "So we issued the new fighter project code-named Spitfire."

As early as 1936, when Britain developed a new fighter plane stimulated by the Spanish War, it chose two fighters, Mie and Dapeng, which made their turrets unique-but many military…

In addition, there are some fans around the airport who have heard the news in advance, well, they are sung yuri fans, and Zhang Chengyuan’s fans didn’t make it public in advance because Zhang Chengyuan accompanied sung yuri this time. This is actually his habit of not letting the media and fans know every time he goes abroad and returns home, because he really doesn’t like being blocked by the media and fans-it’s too noisy.

Then Zhang Chengyuan and sung yuri took a luxury nanny car arranged by Longyuan Entertainment Company. Although the Shanghai branch of skinfd also prepared a car, Zhang Chengyuan and sung…