Really? I smiled a little. I’m not a pale pole, but I can finish it. Now I’ll show you a true reincarnation. Wei twisted his left hand to seal the tip of the sword, and the blue ring expanded the wonderful method of the heavens, opened the reincarnation path, and reincarnated life and death.

Come on, come on, I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm not afraid of you. The bodhi old zu in Yunshan is crazy. I usually shout that the dark sword…

Slowly, Xiang Ye’s consciousness has been blurred. I don’t know what kind of monster the magic ape is, but it can escape the attack of his own magic soul and divine light. In the original time, I never worried that I could help myself solve the problem by swallowing the soul of the beast. It is difficult to think of swallowing the beast this time.

Because at this time, the magic ape demon soul can actually avoid the magic soul shekinah. Although it can be seen from the reaction of the magic ape demon soul,…

A silver ray rushed out of the horizon and rushed into the eleven quasi-hierarch camps. After killing many quasi-hierarch camps in a row, the silver ray turned into a gun and sank to the ground. It was a strong silver gun. Only a few quasi-hierarch who had repaired the loss did not dare to stay and look at Fang Donghuang. They had already done their duty.

There is nothing left in the dusty waves, and hundreds of millions of witches are destroyed, and only the demon clan is dead. Hundreds of millions of lich battlefields reverberate…